
People 新闻, June 2024

研究 & 调查


Two people walking down a campus path 在 summer.

Published June 4, 2024

在2月份的拉力赛日上宣布的2024年教师教学奖获得者是 苏珊•沃斯 Achilles Professor of Engineering, 苏珊娜弗格森, assistant professor of Middle East studies. The Gavel award for staff members went to 朱利安·马提瑙, cook’s assistant at Dawes House, 玛莎Potyrala, administrative assistant 在 dance department.

 在澳门葡京博彩软件植物园的支持下,五名学生艺术家为今年的春季灯泡展创作了作品 林恩山本, Jessie Wells Post Professor of Art. 安装 “Botanical Imagination” included artworks by 丹道24艾弗里·马尔茨,AC ' 25Yasmine (Yaz) Porath ’24, Celosía Rae Tilghman ’24芬恩·沃尔什,25岁. 

Sirohi Kumar, 26岁 他是 在学习中改变青少年的电子产品使用行为:一项干预心理学实验,” published in March in The Journal of Emerging Investigators. 库马尔主修统计和数据科学,在高中时完成了她的研究. 

Juliana Makonise ’25 was among the winners of the Beyond GDP Essay Competition sponsored by the SDG Lab at UN Geneva. Makonise was invited to Geneva, Switzerland, to share her perspective 与来自联合国的领导人和专家讨论超越GDP的问题, 成员国, 学术界, 公民社会. 

Sa ' mya Wilson, 24岁 有 been awarded a $10,000 和平项目 为她的诗歌工作坊项目“阿拉米达县和平进进出出”提供资助.”威尔逊, who earned her Smith degree in Africana studies and English, 她的项目会关注那些面临住房困难和其他挑战的BIPOC和LGBTQ+过渡年龄青年吗. Smith’s Lewis Global Studies Center is a partner 在 和平项目 program, now located at Middlebury College.

德国阿尔瓦拉多, director of culinary services at Smith, 有 been appointed to the board of Communities Involved in Sustaining Agriculture, 这是一个区域性非营利组织,致力于加强农场,并让社区参与建设当地食品经济. Alvarado previously served as a Smith chef, with prior work experience in farm-to-table restaurants, including playing a role 在 opening of Esselon Café in Hadley.

餐厅 services chef 克里斯汀Depault 在全国大学和食品服务协会代表澳门葡京博彩软件 culinary competition 四月在布法罗. 她因在烤虾和碎牛肉沙拉上涂上柠檬香草醋汁的平底煎鲈鱼而获得铜牌, cauliflower and leek puree. 

剧作家 Naveen Bahar Choudhury他是戏剧系的助理教授,被选为英国皇家学会的成员 2024作家实验室 by Ma-Yi Theater Company in New York City.  乔杜里的作品曾由合奏工作室剧院和公共剧院等机构制作. She is also a librettist and lyricist.

贝妮塔杰克逊, professor of psychology, 他是 “非裔美国妇女孕期中度和严重心理困扰的邻里驱逐轨迹和几率,” published in March 在 American Journal of Epidemiology. 这项工作探讨了高邻里驱逐率如何影响黑人母亲的心理健康. 

亚伦Kamugisha——露丝·J. Simmons Professor of Africana Studies, 被命名为 2024–25 National Humanities Center Fellow. 今年,他从491名申请者中脱颖而出,成为获得人文学科研究项目奖学金的31名澳门葡京博彩软件之一. Kamushiga的项目名为“令人困惑的殖民:奥斯汀·克拉克和20世纪的黑人大西洋世界”.”

达芙妮定位澳门葡京博彩软件的下一任教务长,非洲研究教授,著有 Black Time and the Aesthetic Possibility of Objects (University of North Carolina Press),一本分析全球黑人艺术文化力量的著作. 

凯利链接, 英国语言文学教授伊丽莎白·德鲁,出版了她的第一部小说, The Book of Love: A Novel,讲述了三个青少年在一场超自然力量的斗争中成为棋子的故事. Link is a short story author and Pulitzer Prize finalist.

“天窗”, an exhibit of photography and poetry co-created by 指甲Moreira今年春天早些时候,R. Michelson Galleries in Northampton. 展览将动物遗骸的详细照片与诗歌并列展出. 

Ruth Ozeki ' 80, 英国语言文学名誉退休教授和格蕾丝·雅科·罗斯1933年人文学科教授, 在四月的 “Innovations in Storytelling,” 这是今年在罗德岛大学人文中心举行的春季人文节的最后一场活动. 

林赛地方, assistant professor of statistics and data sciences, 有 published “Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure Risks in U.S. Carceral Facilities 2022,” 在 American Journal of Public 健康. The study examines risks that U.S. prisoners face of exposure to dangerous chemicals in drinking water. 

洛雷塔罗斯, associate professor of the study of women and gender, appeared as a commentator in an MSNBC documentary film The Story of Cancel Culture. The film, produced by Trevor Noah, aired in April. Ross is also the recipient of a $25,纽约妇女基金会为“澳门葡京博彩软件人权与民主倡议”颁发了1万美元奖金.”

露西施密特——罗伯特·A. Woods Professor of Economics, 提出了研究 社会保障福利和儿童福利之间的关系. Her talk was part of the Colgate-Hamilton Economics Seminar Series.

梅格目的他在西斯普林菲尔德公共图书馆做了一个关于 April’s solar eclipse. 目的, who is also an award-winning children’s book author, 与天文学学生共同主持定期的校园观星活动. 

Andrew Zimbalist——罗伯特·A. Woods Professor Emeritus of Economics,是 interviewed on The Option podcast about an inflection point for college sports.

海蓝之谜一出戏 Ayibatari Owei, 21年,是 one of four works featured in a festival earlier this year at Abingdon Theatre Company in New York. Owei earned her Smith degree 在atre.

Theanne Griffith ’08, 现在是加州大学戴维斯分校生理和膜生物学系的助理教授, 被命名为 2024 Sloan 研究 Fellow. 格里菲斯在澳门葡京博彩软件大学主修神经科学和西班牙语,并获得了博士学位.D. from Northwestern University, 会进行研究探索空间自我意识和神经再生疾病之间的可能联系吗. 

Garrett 布拉德利 ' 07 是 recipient of a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for her work in film and video. 布拉德利, 谁曾因融合纪录片和虚构元素的多媒体作品而赢得赞誉, holds a Smith degree in religion and an M.F.A. 从加州大学洛杉矶分校. Her first documentary feature, 时间, 获得了2020年奥斯卡金像奖提名,并为布拉德利赢得了圣丹斯最佳导演奖. 

流行的理论, 一部新电影 阿里·谢尔07届, opened 在aters in February. 谢尔, who majored in English language and literature at Smith, got her break 在 movie business in 2016 with the release of Jessica Darling’s It List. 

Elizabeth 班尼特 ’05 new executive director of Groundworks Collaborative social service nonprofit in Brattleboro, Vermont. 班尼特, 谁曾担任该组织的发展和传播主任, 在澳门葡京博彩软件大学主修人类学,并在国际培训学院获得非营利组织管理和社会正义硕士学位.

Rhode Island State Senator Meghan Elizabeth Kallman ’05 他是 The Conceivable FuturePlanning 家庭 and Taking Action 在 Age of Climate Crisis, a conversational guide for families. Kallman earned her Smith degree in sociology, 在芝加哥大学获得社会科学和历史硕士学位, 和Ph值.D. 从布朗.

Emma Mulvaney-Stanak ’02  new mayor of Burlington, Vermont. A former member of the Vermont State House, 2013年至2017年,她担任佛蒙特州进步党主席, on the board of several nonprofits. The founder of a social change consulting business, Mulvaney-Stanak earned her Smith degree in government 和Ph值.D. from Temple University.

艾琳·汤普森M.S.W. ’88 is a new board member of 正在崛起, 这是一家位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的日间庇护所,为无家可归的女性和跨性别/非二元性别人士提供服务. 她的经历包括在波士顿学院(Boston College)担任社工,在会德丰学院(Wheelock College)担任咨询中心主任.

Dale Robinson 很多 ’86 是…的头 奋力向前, 一个由慈善团体联盟支持的新新闻组织, including the MacArthur Foundation. 很多, 他在澳门葡京博彩软件主修美国黑人研究,并在加州大学伯克利分校获得公共政策硕士学位, 有 more than 20 years of experience 在 nonprofit sector.

Leecia Roberta 夏娃 ’86 加入了中央哈德逊天然气和电力公司的董事会. 夏娃, who is a partner with Ichor Strategies consulting firm, 在澳门葡京博彩软件大学主修非裔美国人研究和政府,并在哈佛大学获得硕士学位和法律学位.

伊莱恩·布罗姆卡,72届 portrayed First Ladies Johnson, Nixon, Ford in “三人茶”。 在加利福尼亚索拉纳海滩的北海岸话剧团演出的独角戏. Bromka, an award-winning actress, 在澳门葡京博彩软件获得戏剧学士学位和文学硕士学位.